Laundry dashboard

The sum of IT-expertise and laundry experience

Unlocking hidden potential. Helping laundries and their teams to consciously improve their performance.

That is what we consider to be the mission of Laundry Dashboard. Founded by system integrator WSP and detergent supplier Christeyns, our solutions are based on a thorough understanding of the laundry industry and on IT-expertise.


Laundry Dashboard is developed fully in-house. Continuously inspired by technological improvement, and nourished by challenging cases. The result is an exceedingly powerful solution, capable of handling the practice of large and small laundry services alike.


Laundry Dashboard is implemented by our professionals. We install our hardware and software swiftly, silently, and with virtually zero interruptions to your production process. The application is operational within four months.


Our specialists train your laundry service team, their supervisors, and management in the use of Laundry Dashboards. Depending on your requirements, we analyse the gathered data together with you. We help you to interpret the information, and to locate important opportunities for optimisation.

"Until the arrival of Laundry Dashboard, there has been relatively little innovation in our industry in the last 10 years."

Richard Turvill, Swiss Camplings, England

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our partners

Laundry Dashboard continuously ensures quality by working with trusted partners. Our solution can interface with a variety of applications. Check out our partners here.